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VT - Spider gel - NEON YELLOW 4g

8,50 € 6,97 €
Na zalogi
Če je izdelek na zalogi, ga odpošljemo v roku 24 ur od naročila.

A special, viscous, nail art color gel ideal for the lovers of perfectly straight and extra-thin 3D lines!

Making spider-web design, thin strands and string patters has never been so incredibly easy.

User guide: take a little amount of the gel with a dotter, and patiently wait for it to disconnect from the gel in the jar. After that, put the dotter to the point where the design should start, and then draw the line to the next point, while hovering above the surface of the nail. Mix it before use!

Can be used on gel-polish, gel, Fill&Form, and acrylic nails, as well.

UV: 1 min
LED: 40 sec
CCFL: 70 sec


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